Staring Steve
Phil's Two Feet
Scott's Distaste
Denise's Dog
Gary's Foot
Couple's Therapy
Manipulated Mark
Moving Mary
Exhausted Emilia
Pensive Patrick
It's Okay, Pickle
 collage paper and graphite on paper, 12x9”
Abe's Guilt
Larry's Landscape
Distracted Dana
Depressed Derrick
Its Just Phil
 chalk paster on paper, 30x22”
Portrait Study- Straight
Portrait Study- Straight
Figure Study- Straight
Figure Study- Straight
Figure Study- Straight
 charcoal, graphite, and oil pastel on paper, 24x18”
Reverberating Rebecca
Figurative Gesture
Figure Study- Straight
Portrait Study- Straight
Melting Morla
Tender Terry
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